We hosted a small group of seniors at the barn recently as part of our Silver Stirrups program. The activity selected was to quietly share a personal story or challenge with a horse, and then to just listen to what arose during their time together. Everyone could choose their horse. One participant was immediately drawn to our senior horse Dakota. Dakota is an old soul, calm and dignified.
We offered participants chairs to sit inside the paddock to provide comfort on this hot day. I moved the chair inside, and at first our participant was unsure whether to sit or stand. Dakota tipped the chair over. I had never seen him play with chairs (or props) before in the 5 years I’ve known him. We took it to mean he wished her to sit. She did so and engaged him with a series of soft words, gentle stroking, brushing, and kissing. Dakota responded by staying very close, and in equine language became completely present to her, with head down, eyes soft/closed, loose lower lip, and touching her gently.
Dakota knew what she needed; it was very moving to witness. And then at one point he looked at me as if to say "I see you too".
What can we learn if we ask our deep questions and then quietly listen to what wisdom emerges, from our own being, from other beings around us, from the life force that moves through us all?
P.S. Dakota recently turned 37 years old, which is 111 in human years!