Personalized Ceremony
I learned that the most far-reaching periods of my self-growth involved significant life transitions. Some were joyous, some miraculous, and others more challenging or somber. I experienced the need for compassion and ceremony to honor those transitions.
Ceremonies move us into what is important in our lives, into gratitude and the sacred. They can acknowledge a time of transition, healing, growth, or be a catalyst for desired change. The result of ceremony is felt more profoundly than gathering for a social event, and this awareness is often lacking in today's goal-driven and fast-paced culture.
Ceremony offerings: Life passages from coming-of-age to age-of-wisdom, home and land blessings, career change/retirement, pet loss, grief. I am also available for consultations if you wish to create your own.
I welcome speaking opportunities from groups and community organizations, especially in the areas of personal growth through life transitions, family caregiving, and living our third chapter of life with intention and grace. Topics may include: Wonder, Resilience, Self-care, and Equine-Facilitated Learning.