I have discovered that the greatest expression of an individual comes from the melding of the rational and intuitive, the logical and inspirational, the mind and the heart. As a life-long explorer, I have moved from exploring outer space to exploring inner space. I have a 25+ year career background in spacecraft mission planning and operations. This was an intellectually stimulating and rewarding career, and I developed skills such as planning, organizing, problem solving, and supreme focus toward the end goal.
My journey in self-exploration began when I found myself increasing asking “Is this all there is?”. The tricky part was that I did not know the answer! I was seriously stressed out and knew that if I tried harder but kept doing the same thing, my mental and physical health would give out. I had lived my life driven by logical problem solving and forcing solutions, and neglected the emotional and spiritual aspects of myself. First, I began with meditation, and for a long time I could not “get it”. However, I persisted which opened up new possibilities, such as participating in personal growth workshops, receiving nurturing bodywork, and allowing the wonder of life to inform me. I began listening to the quiet voice within and trusting my emotions as neither good nor bad but as messages. I sought out education in life coaching and equine-facilitated learning, and other healing modalities. I befriended who I really am, trust myself, and am delighted to take action on what is important to me.
There is a saying "Change is inevitable, Growth is optional". My personal experiences with major life transitions such as: mid-life career change, divorce, caregiving to a parent with dementia, loss of family members, have given me sensitivity to the challenges that arise when a circumstance, or a longing for more, asks for growth. I know what is means to question the safety of the "known" and what it takes to move through major life transition while remaining inspired and courageous.
I take delight in my “encore career” as a transformational Life Coach, guiding you and others in personal discovery and growth. These changes ripple through all areas of our personal lives, and how we change so we change the world around us. I coach to the whole person, listening to words, feelings, emotions, and the energies that arise as we share out time together.
I also offer equine-facilitated learning and coaching sessions. Horses are highly aware, live in the present moment, and have a calming presence. When engaged with us in relationship, they reflect nonjudgmental feedback to how we “show up”. This feedback may be used to build awareness and immediately put into practice being authentically the person we wish to be.
Ceremony is a life-affirming and tangible act to celebrate the wonder of life. Honoring life's transitions with ceremony enrich those who enter the space and may mark the opening a new phase, the closing of another, or being in the passageway in-between. I craft personalized ceremonies for individuals and groups, or assist you in creating your own.
One of my core values is leaving a meaningful legacy. I volunteer my time for several local causes, and donate funds to agencies making a positive impact in the larger world.
“ “No problem can be solved by the same level of consciousness that created it.”
- Albert Einstein