Personalized Support for Your Growth and Well-being
We each hold the key to our own purposeful life, but this key may be somewhat rusty or perhaps misplaced. Choice is always available in what we think and do, but sometimes it is easier to choose avoidance instead of embracing other possibilities. Questions that may be arising for you:
Do I take action on my dreams?
Am I putting off important decisions?
Why do I feel something is missing even though life is going pretty well?
Can I be myself, or is it easier to put on a social mask?
Am I just complacent with what is, rather than joyful and content?
Personal growth can be cultivated in many ways, and each of us need to find what resonates with our unique selves. During my own life challenges, fear and doubt arose, but something else quiet and deep nudged me to expand. I began taking small steps to learn from books, workshops, and healers; many of these were inspirational and a few were transformational. (And, some did not land for me, but that is okay.) What I found important was to remain curious and to try out different ideas. I am now a stronger, wiser, more compassionate woman and gained clarity on what is important to live a more purposeful and peaceful life.
I hold impeccable and compassionate space as you try on new ways of doing and being. I am gentle in approach, empower you to find your own path, and maintain the space of possibility.
“Ask yourself what is really important, and then have the wisdom and courage to build your life around your answer.
- Lee Jampolsky”
My offerings include life coaching, equine-facilitated learning, experiential gatherings with other kind-hearted people, and energetic healing. More information on these offerings, my approach, and other resources is shared on this website. Your questions and ideas and comments are welcomed.
I extend a warm invitation for a conversation on how I may support you.
I host and facilitate group events throughout the year. These events include women’s wisdom circles, small group inspirational book study, and meditative labyrinth walks. Other events are hosted at our beautiful pastureland barn with our wise horses, such as full moon gatherings, meditation circles, and community drumming.
Sign up for my occasional newsletter for inspirational, educational, and/or fun events. As someone who honors my own privacy I also honor yours, and your e-mail address will not be shared.
I value learning from others and we are so fortunate to have access to many teachers, speakers, and healers. Please let me know if you have an event or something to share with this community.
Walk as One at 1 (pm)
World Labyrinth Day
Saturday, May 6, 2023
Unite with others in our community to walk a local labyrinth while holding the intention of world peace, generating a rolling wave of harmonious energy across the globe. Always a meaningful and moving event.
“Connect with others where we can explore and learn and laugh together.”